Thursday 23 October 2014

Illustration Friday: Trouble

...well, Wolf Trouble.

This week, Illustration Friday's theme was Trouble: a hugely ambiguous topic with plenty of scope for individual interpretation - my favourite! 

So, after a little ponder and a dabble on my doodle pad, I came up with the below drawing entitled: 'Wolf Trouble'. However,in this visual snippet it's debatable as to who's going to fare worse, and who is really in trouble.  

In my previous post, I drew a picture using a similar colour pallet and line techniques; I suppose the below image is an extension of that original style experiment, and boasts(I think)a more pleasing composition. 

As you will see, I have used colour sparingly, only using red  highlights to draw the viewers focus to the two 'weapons'.

'Wolf Trouble' by Emma E Perry 

Below are several close-ups of 'Wolf Trouble' to show the various details. The original was created on A4 plain paper, using a 0.3 sized Fine Liner and a red Promarker.

Close-up of the small lines used to depict fur.

Close-up displays the subtle change in
line direction used to emphasise the
contours of the wolf's jaw.
 Red is used to draw attention to
 the wolf's weapon: his teeth. 

Further close-up of the wolf's jaw,
 showing the subtle line changes. 

Close-up demonstrates how the wolf's shape
 was created not by using a solid line,
 but instead a careful grouping of smaller lines.

Close-up detailing the change in 
mark-making from wolf to girl.

Red is used to draw attention to
 the girl's weapon: her axe.

Shoe detailing
 - sorry the feet got slightly cropped!

Basket detailing with contrasting mark-making.

Thank you for taking a look!

Be sure to check back soon as I'm currently creating a new blog header and background!

Till next time, 


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  1. I really like the line work here, especially how the wolf has no defined outline :) witchcraft

  2. This is so cool! And I'm glad you're liking the promarkers - aren't they the best!?

    Nikki x

  3. Good use of red. I like the way you are suggesting things to tell the story :)

  4. I'm really enjoying using limited colours lately - it's a good challenge! I really like the way you've created the wolf and Red's little cape! xxx
